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McDelivery App: Video


Type: Mobile Application
Year: 2014 - 2018
Platform: Android, iOS
Development Environment: Java, Objective-C

Before I joined the program of University of Alberta, I was working full-time as a mobile developer in Singapore. By that time, the major project of my work is McDonalds' McDelivery App.


This is the mobile portal for customers in Asian Pacific regions, which include Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, UAE, Qatar, Jeddah, and other 20+ markets. I worked closely to McDonalds Asian Pacific headquarter and those regional markets.


My job duties are as follows:

- Work on both iOS (Objective-C with XCode) and Android (Java with Android Studio) platforms;

- To localize McDelivery App for new markets;

- To develop new features for different markets;

- To fix bugs reported by markets;

- To deploy the app to Google Play and App Store.


It was quite a challenging work, as there were 23+ markets by the time, and each week we had decades of change requests, bug tickets to handle, as well as to release the new version of the apps weekly for markets' beta test and formal deployment to customers.


I worked on this project for 4 years, and I feel it an honor to work with one of the world's biggest food company.


Links at GooglePlay and AppStore:

McDelivery App: About
  • linkedin

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