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Visualization DoR: Video


Type: Web Application
Year: 2018
Platform: Web Browsers
Development Environment: Python, JavaScript, HTML5, D3.js

Dream of the Red Chamber is widely believed as one of the greatest Chinese fictions of all time, which has deeply affected Chinese culture for over 300 years. However, until today, it shows little influence in the western world. Several reasons are accounting for the limitation, of which the biggest one is lacking study materials in English.


This project provides an alternative methodology in terms of the teaching of Dream of the Red Chamber, which includes a series of visualizations and interactions. It will show the potential of how visualization improves the teaching of Dream of the Red Chamber to English readers, as well as to be extended to any arbitrary English fiction.


The project was done with a series of text analysis and HTML5 graphics programming. All of the visualizations in this project are interactive.


With the help of these visualizations, the audience can get a comprehensive look of the characters in the book, including their importance, connections, relationships, and positions in the family tree.

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