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Stickman Game: Video


Type: Game
Year: 2013
Platform: Android
Development Environment: Unity

This is a course project I finished with 5 more colleagues during my MSc Digital Media Technology program at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) in 2013.


I was the team leader of the project. The major part of my role is to design the gameplay and implement it. I worked as the level designer, graphic integrator and the main programmer. The game was developed in Unity 4 with C# as the programming language.


The gameplay is simple: A player just needs to tap his single finger to control the target point of the movement of the character. When the player slides up, the character will jump, while when slide down, the character will crouch. Therefore, the gameplay is diverse though it's just a 'single finger manipulation'.


There are in total 4 stages in the game (including a territorial level). Each level has a unique theme, like tropical, desert and snow land, so the play can experience different styles of the graphics and gameplay.


The game was released to Samsung App Store:


A full walkthrough video:

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